On July 19-20, Energy Capital Ventures (“ECV”) held its first Energy Capital Ventures Summit and Annual LP Meeting. The event featured over 100 guests from widely diverse backgrounds. Attendees to the ECV Summit included representatives from startups, utility companies, venture capital firms, academia, the National Labs, civic organizations, trade associations and renewable natural gas, among many other entities.
Panel and presentation topics included: Biomanufacturing & Natural Gas Utilities, ESG & Carbon Accounting, America’s Energy Policy, Decarbonization Pathways and Bridging the Innovation Gap. Presenters included Cemvita Factory, Highwood Emissions, CarbonGraph, Actual, Bohr Quantum, American Gas Association, Vimocity, Anessa and Encoord. Additional start-up spotlights included: Pulsenics, CivilGrid, Copper Labs, SeekOps, OnBoardDynamics, HData and Teren.
On behalf of the ECV team, our deepest THANK YOU to everyone for their attendance and engagement throughout the Summit. Special thanks to our strategic limited partners Avista, Black Hills Energy, Eversource, National Fuel Gas, NiSource, SouthwestGas and Spire Energy. We look forward to next year!